Meanwhile, I was thinkin'....

School's out, and current faves the Linda Lindas are in action again.  This post of a 22-minute performance and interview for KCRW radio in Santa Monica has given me great joy as they sound tighter and harder than ever ("Talking To Myself" and "Too Many Things" sounded like filler in their recorded versions - here they sound near-essential, with an almost Husker Du-like bridge.  And for any wag who wants to say they probably never heard Husker Du ... I suspect you are wrong).  More importantly, zip forward to 2:40 for one the greatest bits of audience appreciation ever.  I wonder what Beatrice's band will sound like...

Meanwhile the world's other great teenage rock and roll band, Yee Loi, have announced the release of their first on-a-label single for August 24.  So stay tuned. More profound thoughts on these and other matters to come...


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