The MC5 in print, 2024 edition

A number of years ago famous rockcrit Dave Marsh sent me a complimentary note on my Steve McKay piece on Perfect Sound Forever. Which was flattering, given Marsh and his peers were my guides through the rock and roll wilderness back when. So I took the moment to ask him if he'd ever considered giving the MC5 the treatment he gave The Who in Before I Get Old . He wrote back that it was of interest, but for various reasons, probably not. He mentioned that the late Ben Edmonds had been working for years on such a book, but had left it unfinished at the time of his passing, so likely it would never see the light of day. Shame. I'd like to read a massive MC5 book, like B efore I Get Old or Bob Mehr's Trouble Boys , or Paul Drummond's fascinating tome on the 13th Floor Elevators, Eye Mind ; books which told in depth the stories of the artists and analyzed their music and their place in rock and roll. MC5: An Oral Biography of Rock’s Most...